When Kings Rest / by Elmer Canas

When Kings Rest

As a man of faith there are many things that I’ve learned to avoid, and many battles that I’ve learned to fight in private. Temptations in public have become less challenging and I’ve learned to guard my eyes and protect my heart. A wandering eye, a lustful heart, being quick to anger, doing things to be noticed, pride, positions and titles…those battles have been won. Or better said, I have learned to practice self-control and to rely on the Lord in dealing with these temptations.

But when I’m called to rest, that’s been my test. My weakest moments in life have come when my hands have come off the plow and I was asked to stop or expected to just be present. It’s almost like my flesh tempts me the most when it knows that I should be resting the temple of the Lord. It’s almost like my pride sneaks in when my mind should be at peace thanking God for what He has done, but rather I get lost in comparison and dreaming dreams that aren’t mine to dream. Leading me to be ungrateful and desiring more. The apple on the tree becomes more and more tempting when I should be resting.

It’s one thing to sleep. It’s another to rest. We all sleep at some point throughout the night or even day. Maybe you don’t get enough sleep, but you’ll get some shut eye at some point. But many of us have never experienced true rest.

“He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.” (Psalms 23:2 NLT)

You see true rest comes when we allow the Lord to lead us into green pastures that will nourish our soul. It’s a control thing. It’s a mental adjustment. We have to let go of the reigns and surrender to the Lord’s leading. When we rest - the Lord should be our substance. True rest isn’t something I can find on my own. It’s only found in God. In His goodness, in His faithfulness, in His grace and mercy - in Him.

Disconnecting from everything and spending mindless moments streaming movies or scrolling on the gram isn’t rest. You can be idle and not resting.

“When we’re idle, we give into idols.”

Idols are things we naturally desire. The things that bring satisfaction to our flesh and finite minds. The things that draw our attention. The things we choose to worship in place of God. Staying busy for the sake of doing something, can be an idol. Like the Israelites in the wilderness in the book of Exodus, they were asked to wait and rest while Moses sought the Lord. Yet when they were idle, they gave into the desire to worship an idol. So much so that they gathered gold to create their own golden calf. Beware of your desire to create something or to indulge in something that will bring you temporary satisfaction, yet can lead you to a lifetime of misery.

When you’re meant to be in battle don’t defer your responsibilities to somebody else for the sake of “resting”. Because like King David, you can easily find yourself in the wrong fight. David should’ve been at war but he chose to stay back, and found himself giving into sexual temptation. Into adultery. And eventually into murder. He could have slaughtered thousands of men and been in good standing before the Lord. But in order to hide his sin, he sent one man to his death and was found guilty before the Lord.

Stay connected to the true source of rest. Meditate on God’s word and ask Him to lead you to green pastures and still waters.

“Holy Spirit lead us into a revelation of your grace. We’re not called to strive, but to rest in You. And even in moments when I want to disconnect from everything around me, may I never turn from Your presence. May I live my life resting in the truth of who You call me to be, and the assignment that You have called me to. Because just as You have chosen me…You will provide everything I need to fulfill Your plans and purposes. There’s nothing more that I can do other than being present, fully surrendered and available to do Your will. I’m Your’s to spend Lord.”
