Worship Leaders (and anybody willing to listen) - lead those that congregate at your churches into an awareness of who God is, and what He created us to do. I’ve heard too many people say and argue that we should, “just sing and stop telling people what to do. Stop telling people to clap and raise their hands. Stop asking us to lean in!” That would be nice if it was a concert (but even at concerts most people mindlessly raise their hands and other things) but that’s not the case. We’re called to lead people not into God’s presence - but into an awareness of who He is. He’s good. He’s mighty. He’s worthy of our worship. And we all have a reason to praise. We are to come into His house with thanksgiving. We’re leading people into a posture of worship and praise. True surrender before God. It’s true many that attend our churches have no clue what biblical worship is intended to be, and we’ve labeled those people “seekers”- we’ve even labeled our churches “seeker friendly”. But leaders LEAD! Teach them. Educate them. Encourage them. Create a culture or atmosphere of praise, a place of surrender. Culture is what you allow. If you are not proactive in leading as a leader (not just a lead singer) you will cultivate a house of PREFERENCES. A house where people choose what they like and when they’ll put their coffee down, versus what God desires from us. Spend as much time in your word preparing for your gatherings as you do on memorizing songs, setting up Ableton and color coordinating the worship teams attire. We’ve become so dependent on tracks, the appearance of things - sad to say - we’ve fallen in love with excellence (which isn’t bad when balanced). 

My take on the production aspects of lights, tech, musical arrangements, etc…is that it should all help paint the BIG picture. Everything should point people towards JESUS. Lighting directors, graphic designers, video editors, musicians and singers are all artist with the ability to contribute into the experience, to the encounter. Our gifts should turn people towards JESUS. Towards an encounter with Christ. Work together. Collaborate. Be intentional with your creativity. Is it telling a story or just highlighting all of your technology? Simple isn’t bad. Excellence starts with being intentional versus being flashy.

All of this I say in love. It’s not an attempt to condemn but to help correct our decision making. To allow us to check our hearts as worship leaders. God wants us. Kill the tracks every once in a while. Turn up the lights. Let the people sing. Isn’t the goal to become transparent or invisible on the platform so people can see and worship Jesus? Just something to chew on. 

What are your thoughts?